Neighborhood Watch

Neighborhood Watch Program
The purpose of the Georgetown County Sheriff's Office Neighborhood Watch Program is to enable the police and community to work together to make specific geographical areas more crime resistant to reduce crime.
It is a citizen involvement, neighborhood and community-based effort, designed to assist the Sheriff's Office in preventing and reducing crime.
NWP is one of the most effective and least costly methods to prevent crime and reduce fear. The watch idea is adaptable and can be organized and custom fitted to any geographic area and its needs.
The Georgetown County Sheriff’s Office would like to thank you for your interest in participating in the Neighborhood Watch Program. We are here to assist you in making your neighborhood the best possible. I believe that an empowered community can and will make a difference in the quality of life for the citizens of Georgetown County. By embracing the Neighborhood Watch Program we, as a team, will help each other by reducing and preventing crime and creating a better place to live and raise a family. When we work together, we as a community stand strong and send the message of unity.
Never underestimate what a small group of motivated people can accomplish.
What does a Neighborhood Watch do?
- It is simply neighbors helping neighbors. They are the EXTRA eyes and ears for reporting crime and helping neighbors
- Gets members involved in their neighborhood, encourages neighbors to look out for one another.
- Forms a partnership between local law enforcement and the communities they serve.
If you and your community are interested in working with the Sheriff’s Office to start a neighborhood watch program, please contact the Georgetown County Sheriff’s Office at (843) 546-5102.